08/24 Minimal Monthly — Unexpected Links Between Your Sock Drawer and Freedom

August 2024

Minimal Monthly

Hi Reader,

Home organisation obviously focuses on the tangible—sorting through drawers, decluttering closets, and arranging living spaces. But what about things beyond our physical environment, noise for example?

In a free society, much like in our homes, we face an abundance of choices. Just as we navigate through our possessions, democracy allows us to sift through a multitude of information, opinions and ideas, and tune out what we don't like and what doesn't align with our personal values. This stands in stark contrast to authoritarian and totalitarian regimes, where both physical and mental spaces are strictly controlled by the state.

Just as we navigate a sea of "stuff" in our homes, we're also constantly surrounded by a torrent of information, opinions, and ideas. And the parallel between organising our physical spaces and managing "noise" is striking in terms of:

  1. Personal responsibility. At home, we decide what stays and what goes. Similarly, it's up to us as individuals to filter, analyse, and choose which information deserves our attention.
  2. Creating space. When we declutter, we're trying to create room for what matters to us. This can be equated to making space for critical thinking.
  3. Intentional curation. We tend to be particular about selecting items for our homes which align with our lifestyle and values. Likewise, we have the freedom—and responsibility—to curate the information we consume and the ideas we engage with.
  4. Diversity. A well-organised home often incorporates various styles and functions. In the same vein, exposing ourselves to diverse perspectives enriches our understanding and challenges our thinking.
  5. Ongoing process. Home org isn't a one-time event; it's continuous. So too is the process of engaging with ideas, learning, and refining our worldviews.

The power to shape both our physical and mental environments lies with us. No one has the right to silence any particular source of noise for everyone else.

Decluttering for me is also considering how I can better organise and critically evaluate the information I encounter. There can be no democracy without the freedom to shape our spaces and speak our minds without inhibition. I sure as heck hope we're not dumb enough to give up that freedom.


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End of ad.

New on the Blog

I really need to stop writing 3700-word articles. But, alas. Enter the ultimate (truly) declutter-your-life checklist. There's even a handy-dandy printable to go with it, which you can edit to include everyone on your personal 💩 list.

Stuff I've Loved

Have a good weekend! 👋

Thank you for reading. If you have any comments or feedback, hit reply and drop me a line.

Have a great month ahead,

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