04/24 Minimal Monthly β€” Stacking Habits to Save Time

April 2024

Minimal Monthly

Hi Reader,

Habit stacking is probably one of the most efficient and relatively painless ways to stay on top of all the daily stuff you have to contend with at home. We all have things we do routinely. The trick is to tack a task onto them and presto, you're habit stacking.

It can be as simple as stacking the task of wiping down the bathroom sink onto the existing habit of teeth brushing. Then you just build more elaborate stacks of mini tasks to maximise time.

We're not talking deep cleaning here, more like daily orderliness so things don't get backlogged and cause additional stress. I mean, who likes realising at ten in the evening that the shirt they wanted to wear to tomorrow's meeting is still in the hamper?

A zombie mode stack is part of my morning routine: after shuffling to the kitchen in my bathrobe to put on a pot of coffee, I go get a load of laundry started, make the bed and pick up the bedroom while waiting for the coffee maker to finish. Takes less than five minutes and makes for a good head start on the day. And by the time I'm fully caffeinated, showered and dressed, the laundry's finished, too.


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End of ad.

Blog Updates

  • Let me guess: you spent a large part of your off hours this month scrambling to organise deductibles for your tax return and came close to wanting to jump off a bridge or kill someone. Next tax season can be smoother! You may still curse your head off, but at least you can save some time with these simple tips to keep your tax docs organised.
  • ​What I've been reading lately. A mixed bag, and a lot of it was good, so I decided to turn my book list into a quarterly series. If you're looking for your next non-fiction read, maybe something's in here for you.
  • A niche topic, but I know I'm not the only one out there who loves gemstones and hates clutter: Ideas for storing, organising and displaying crystals when you have minimalist tendencies.

Stuff I've Loved

Happy May Day πŸ’

Thank you for reading. If you have any comments or feedback, hit reply and drop me a line.

Have a great month ahead,

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