02/24 Minimal Monthly โ€” L๐Ÿ‘€k At Our New Look!

February 2024

Minimal Monthly

Hi Reader,

Happy leap year. I was so glad for the extra day. These past few weeks have been super busy rebranding and redesigning the site. But, ta-da, I'm happy to share Tidymalism has a fresh new look ๐ŸŽ‰

The new site features faster mobile loading, larger, crisper fonts, less bloat, a new resources page, and a friendlier splash of colour. Come have a browse while I work out the last few caching kinks, and feel free to hit reply to send any feedback.

Speaking of feedback, thank you to those who filled out the Readers' Survey last month. It was very helpful getting a feel for your living situations and reading through the comments. (If you missed the survey and would like to respond, it's still up, so you're welcome to reply.)


Digital snoopers are everywhere, starting with your internet service provider who can see everything you do online. That's just eww. Not to mention the data hacker sitting across from you at Starbucks, scoping out your deetz when you're on the free WiFi. Internet security is just a click away though. I use NordVPN at home and on the road (or at the coffee shop). It's cheap, reliable, works with all devices, and makes it easy to keep your private stuff private. Get up to 67% off when you sign up with my link.

End of ad.

Blog Updates

Stuff I've Loved

  • Tom's Guide surfaced the three worst TikTok cleaning hacks you should never try. You've been warned ๐Ÿ˜…
  • I've been cleaning out my liver (yes, you read that right) per Dr Mindy Pelz's Reset Factor protocol (a wholehearted five star experience, my energy levels are through the roof). Now that I'm close to the finish line with the detox, I started thinking ahead as to how to best handle meal planning without re-introducing any processed foods. That's when Nomnompaleo came to mind. Michelle Tam started on Tumblr waaay back in 2010 and today she's a paleo guru with a huge following. I've rediscovered healthy classics I love cooking ahead: cauliflower rice and Asian meatballs, to name but two. If you're into whole foods, check out her delicious recipes.
  • Dream big? Nah. Dream small. These portable homes can go (almost) anywhere you want to take them.
  • Could anglophone "healthcare" systems be getting any more ridiculous? Yup. This tweet sums it up in a nutshell.

Have a good start into March and feel free to share this newsletter with a friend!

Thank you for reading. If you have any comments or feedback, hit reply and drop me a line.

Have a great month ahead,

Past Posts

Nothing to Wear?

Taking forever to get dressed in the morning? Always feel like you have nothing to wear? You might just have too many clothes. Paradox, huh?

Isn't Living Alone Lonely?

Single-person households are on the rise. This shift is often portrayed negatively in the media, yet it has a number of benefits.

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The Minimal Monthly from Tidymalism ๐ŸŒฑ

Helping you tidy up & live better with less | Once a month inspiration for home organisation, decluttering and lighter living ๐Ÿงบ | Sign up below! ๐Ÿ’ซ

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