
The Minimal Monthly from Tidymalism 🌱

Helping you tidy up & live better with less | Once a month inspiration for home organisation, decluttering and lighter living 🧺 | Sign up below! πŸ’«

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06/24 Minimal Monthly β€” Midsummer Nostalgia πŸ’

June 2024 Minimal Monthly Hi Reader, It's hot out. AC is not a thing here. So it's also hot inside. The sun doesn't go down until after ten at night, and it's up again at four in the morning. Afternoon naps are the way to go this time of year, if you ask me. In between the midsummer drowsiness, eating pound after pound of fresh cherries and watching Euro Cup matches, I saw The Smashing Pumpkins last weekend. The concert left me feeling rather nostalgic. Me and 16,999 other people at the...

May 2024 Minimal Monthly Hi Reader, If your favourite home & garden bloggers have been quieter lately, it's because they're deep in the trenches of social media, trying to figure out how to recoup the 70-90% loss in website traffic they're suffering. And it's not just home & garden that's been hit. Now that Google prefers to serve content from Forbes and Reddit (or just display utter nonsense), web publishers large and small are in the doghouse. Adding insult to injury, everyone's content was...

April 2024 Minimal Monthly Hi Reader, Habit stacking is probably one of the most efficient and relatively painless ways to stay on top of all the daily stuff you have to contend with at home. We all have things we do routinely. The trick is to tack a task onto them and presto, you're habit stacking. It can be as simple as stacking the task of wiping down the bathroom sink onto the existing habit of teeth brushing. Then you just build more elaborate stacks of mini tasks to maximise time. We're...

March 2024 Minimal Monthly Hi Reader, Whether it’s a car, appliance or pair of jeans: I tend to use my stuff until it’s on its last leg. I have an old friend who always chuckles whenever he drops by: "That coffee grinder STILL works?" He was with me when I bought it nearly 20 years ago. My electric beater is from the mid-80s (yup, the nineteen-eighties). It’s ugly as heck but it still works. It sits in the cabinet next to an electric citrus juicer from 1997, also still in weekly use. You get...

February 2024 Minimal Monthly Hi Reader, Happy leap year. I was so glad for the extra day. These past few weeks have been super busy rebranding and redesigning the site. But, ta-da, I'm happy to share Tidymalism has a fresh new look πŸŽ‰ The new site features faster mobile loading, larger, crisper fonts, less bloat, a new resources page, and a friendlier splash of colour. Come have a browse while I work out the last few caching kinks, and feel free to hit reply to send any feedback. Speaking of...

January 2024 Minimal Monthly Hi Reader, Are you unknowingly part of the subscription silent majority? It's a club many of us join without even realising it. I thought I was spending around thirty bucks a month and was a bit taken aback when I did the math: it's closer to $80. πŸ€¦πŸ»β™€οΈ Subscriptions, those sly little expenses, have a way of quietly slipping under our radar and accumulating in the corners of our bank statements. Think about it: When was the last time you checked how many...